From London I went to Paris, this time not with school but with my friend Héloise. We where so lucky with the weather (20 degrees in March!) and have enjoyed this wonderful city. We slept in a nice
youth hostel located in Belleville, a mix of culture in Paris. It was easy to go to the centre and we where on about a kilometer from the père Lachaise cemetery. For Héloise it was also the occasion to see back her friends, with who we went out for a dinner.
Musée Rodin
Bateaux mouches
Tour Eiffel
Cimetière Père Lachaise
Après avoir trotter 4h dans le Louvre
Bouche de métro
Cathédrale Notre Dame
Notre Dame en chocolat! |
Restau chinois aux Champs-Elyssée
Place des Vosges
Musée d'Orsay
Quartier de Belleville
Two days after I also went to Lille (pictures soon) so the next day I really looked like a zombie at school! I needed the time to recover and return to full power :p